Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dear Mom and Dad,
There was an attack on Charlie Hebdo recently.  Charlie Hebdo is a satirical magazine such as mad magazine.  I am okay, but many people are not.  Three Muslim men stormed the building with guns and killed all of the writers, publishers, editors, front desk, and some innocent people in the building.  The men then went off and killed a police officer before driving away.  The reason they did it was because the magazine had drawn Muhammed in multiple cartoons.  Mohammed is the prophet of the Muslim religion and is stated in the religion to never be visually depicted in any way.  I think it is horrible that any human could commit such an act.  To kill someone or multiple people for upsetting you in a satirical magazine is wrong no matter how you look at it.  The basis of comedy is poking at other people or groups.  The jokes are not meant seriously.  Also the rule to not draw Muhammed is a rule of the religion not the world!  If you are not a follower of the Islamic religion, there is no reason to follow their rules.  Like I eat non kosher meats, because I am not Jewish.  I am okay with gay marriage because I am not a conservative Christian.  Anyways Mom and Dad, I've gotten my point across of how I feel about it.  I am thankful that I am okay and pray for the souls taken that day.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Marc Test

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Quand Fifi etait petite